Yaoi <3

Yesterday I was at the Japan Loppis which was in Kulturhuset in Stockholm ^^ There was so much stuff there that I really wanted to buy ( Like that uber-cute Alice in Wonderland dress that had my name all over it T.T ) but I didn't have enough money to buy that much *goes to cry in corner* And I didn't even take that many pictures!!!!! (I fail -.-') But ever since yesterday when I got home I've been reading a whole bunch of yaoi!!!! So I am very happy now :3 Since I don't have any great pictures from yesterday here are some pictures from the yaoi I've read

The Tyrant Who Fell in Love <33

Yume Musubi Koi Musubi <33

Wild Rock <33

Kirai Ja Nai Kedo <33

This is just four of the many yaoi I have read so far....if anyone wants any suggestions I'm happy to give some!! ( I only know one-shots though -.-' )

God Child <3

This beautiful picture is from the series God Child which I have just finished reading. And let me tell you, the ending was SAD!!!! I cried DX And I don't like crying, because then my parents ask what's wrong and I have to explain through my tears why I'm crying and then they call me a wimp and then I cry even more....Well not really but still! I really wished Cain and Riff hadn't died QQ Oh well, I guess it's fanfiction for me I3

J-Friday <3

Jihl <3                Me and my bunny <3         Bunny <3

Yesterday I was at J-Friday which was held at Sci-Fi bookshop in Gamla Stan!!!!!!! It was soooo cool <3
And everyone's cosplay's were so awesome as well!! It made me feel lame since all I had was a cute gothic lolita dress :<
Oh well, I bought a giant pink bunny (Honey-sempai from Ouran High School Host clubs bunny <3) and a Final Fantasy 13 action figure! I got Jihl!^^
Then my best friend and I had an awesome time staying up all night long watching anime, looking at vids, checking out tumblr's and other crazy stuff!!! It was so fun!! <3

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